Common lilac — premium felt bag
- Durable felt bag with a plant motif for a gift for a plant lover, for shopping. Sewn in Poland. An original gift for a gardener, allotment holder.
Common lilac
Syringa vulgaris
It's hard to imagine an idyllic rural landscape without this charming shrub. Lilac(Syringa L.) - a genus of plants in the olive family. The genus counts, depending on the shot, about 30 species. The common lilac (S. vulgaris) is native to southeastern Europe and areas of present-day Turkey. Colloquially, lilacs are called "lilacs," but this is a misnomer, as the name refers to plants of the genus Sambucus.
These popular ornamental plants have been cultivated for a long time - already bred approx. 1.5 thousand varieties of common lilac. Common lilac - is an icon among May plants. It has tiny flowers gathered in clusters, the abundance of which lures from afar with eye-pleasing colors - from pure white through all shades of pink and purple. It delights with a stunning and intense fragrance.
Lilac loves sunny places, then it blooms most profusely. It feels great in fertile soil with moderate humidity. The soil reaction can be neutral or slightly alkaline. Lilac flowers look great in bouquets and as a cut flower for interior decoration.